August 8, 2013

Stephanie + Dennis - Real Wedding

Married: July 13, 2013

Stephanie and Dennis have been together a LONG time. Like since teenage-hood.

It’s incredible that two people can meet so young, and endure all that life puts you through in your teens and early twenties, and still grow together. That’s just one of the things that make Steph and Denny’s love so unique – it’s strength and endurance.

I have been with these two through two other weddings, their friends Ricki and Dustin, where I first met them both, and Beckie and AJ. Ricki and Dustin’s wedding was one of the first 10 that I booked after I started my own business, so these two have seen me grow as much as I have witnessed them grow. And I think that is pretty dang awesome in it’s own right. But this isn’t about me – this is about them.

These two have a Harley. They have an adorable dog-child named Jax, who you can see below, who loves carrots and will do the perfect pose if you hold one while you're taking his picture. They both have great families and friends, who rallied around them all day. Stephanie's mom made this amazing streusel-stuff that she claimed was 'so easy', but it tasted like it came straight out of a pastry shop. Stephanie wore the pearls that Dennis got her when she graduated. Her mom cried when she saw Steph in her dress, finally all put together. Dennis broke down during his vows, and Stephanie looked truly shocked that he did. Being around this wedding party, you sense how close-knit this group is, and how integral a part Stephanie and Dennis are.

Their wedding day was completely theirs. They owned the details. (I expected nothing less.) Stephanie’s hot pink tulle had complete strangers stopping us while we were taking pictures so they could take pictures of it. Dennis and the groomsmen’s socks were just too freaking perfect; hot pink argyle for Dennis to match his Bride, and orange argyle for the guys to match their vests. The bright pink and orange gerberas, the gray suits, the gray and pink canvas painting (instead of a sand ceremony or unity candle), stopping at Shady Jack’s, Stephanie's StL Blues garter that her mom made…everything was perfect for the two of them. And I cannot explain to you all in words how much FUN their wedding party was. The entire day was a sincere, authentic, fun celebration of two families and a bunch of tight friends coming together to celebrate two awesome people, and their strength, their endurance, and their love.

Stephanie and Dennis, thank you SO much for everything. It was such an honor to be with you on such a gorgeous, fun, perfect day.

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