November 16, 2010

Post for the Sams

Today is one of those days, you know, where I don't really want to make everything about my work.

I'm editing photos in the background from Adam and Keegan's wedding, but in the foreground, I just want to be Sam today, in all my variations, instead of the Arms Up girl. So instead of posting another engagement session or other work-related posting, I'm going to be utterly boring and nerdy in today's blog post.

Girly Sam: Yesterday I got my hair done by my AbFAB friend, the Great Christa Suermann. She is hair manipulator extraordinaire! Folicles fervently bow to her every whim and will. She colored me after I made several totally contradictory suggestions on how I'd like it, and somehow managed to make it PERFECT. Exactly like the vision in my head. Mindreader? Hmm, maybe she is. I've only just considered it. She trimmed it up, cut in some bangs (in TWO separate styles, mind you! I now have versatile hair - be jealous!) and then styled it so pretty I looked like I could've been modeling for VS.

These two pictures were taken this morning, after I'd slept on it - yes it still looked that good because Christa is that good. Girlfriend THANK YOU so much. I'd be forever cursed with choppy hair cuts and crappy color if it were not for your expertise. You be the bestest, little Mama!

***SPOILER ALERT: if you are playing or planning to play Call of Duty: Black Ops, and don't want to know about the campaign's ending, then DO NOT READ THE NEXT TWO PARAGRAPHS.***

Nerdy Sam: Jeremy played through Call of Duty: Black Ops over the weekend and I got the chance to watch some of the cinematic breaks in between war and massacre and whatnot. I'm not a fan of those kinds of games for several reasons: 1. it upsets the dog, tremendously. She trembles and tries to either nest in my hair or lick the skin from my face. Sometimes I wonder if she is actually attempting to crawl inside my body through my mouth and use me as a protective shell. You'd have to see it to understand. 2. the noise wrecks my nerves. Jeremy's frustration when it isn't going his way also wrecks my nerves.
3. He usually plays online and I don't like to slow down the network for him by doing my work online, but it's MY WORK and it is sometimes a point of a small, steaming pile of contention. Because we don't work similar jobs or hours, his off-time (and hence, relaxation and gaming time) is usually my peak work-time. Mostly though, it's the noise and booms and cracks and pops and swearing and growling and face-licking and nerve-fraying that makes me a hater.

HOWEVER - I was seriously intrigued by the campaign story. WAY neat. I'd never seen him play through the campaign before, just play online. Jeremy happened to finish it when I wasn't here, though, so I didn't get to see the ending. Last night he mentioned he had finished it, and described the ending for me - John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Nixon all sitting around talking and suddenly zombies burst into the room. JFK launches into a speech and starts shotgunning down zombies left and right via your control. Can you say, "freaking hilarious"? Now I want to play through it, and I don't even like games of that variety!

Also, I started the third Harry Potter book.

***END Spoiler***

Muse Sam: In the shower this morning, I was trying to nail down details on the processes of how to go about my first artistic shot. I want to do it next week, because I'm off work and will be able to dedicate an entire day to the details. I'll need a ton of Halloween make up and at least one helper. Maybe a ...body stocking or something? I am not really sure how to go about doing what I want to do. Inspiration has happened though and I WILL NOT be defeated by the details. These shots ARE possible. I just have to plan properly beforehand. A list is in progress and I'm googling outfit possibilities. Stay tuned for those photos. I'm very excited about them.

Regular Ol' Sam: I'm about to eat my way into a size 6 with a ginormous helping of the best spaghetti in the world (Jeremy's). The heat is cranked up because I'm freezing. My hair is back to frizzymesshood. I made the bed. Editing keeps getting interrupted with daydreaming. I read David duChemin's blog today and choked back sobs; am still thinking about it. I'm thinking of chasing the spaghetti with chips and salsa. I wish Kadin and Max were here to share the chips and salsa with. I wrestled with Chloe, then snuggled her. I paid the electric bill. I texted my honey that I missed him. I'm editing photos in between all of that. I am thinking of where to buy dice for a board game. I am googling Christmas present ideas for Jeremy. I'll still be doing this stuff in 3 hours when I have to leave to go pick up the boys.

Tomorrow I'll post more interesting, work-related things. Today I needed to be me.

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