December 7, 2010

Holiday Joy and Holiday Woe

Things around here are beginning to look a lot like Christmas. The tree is up, decorations are in order, Christmas cards mailed, and holiday visitation plans are set. I finally get a break from my work with L'il Angels now and will be continuing to play with self-portraiture and practice boudoir posing for the boudoir marathon in January.

This time of year is always tinged with a mix of joy and melancholy, though, as it makes me think of all the loved ones I won't be seeing; like my mother in Denver or the many friends I have scattered all over the world. I miss them, even some of the ones I haven't spoken to in years and years. I don't get close to people easily, and when I do, I usually invest a lot of myself into the friendship.

My mind has turned suddenly to holiday traditions, and having had so many families growing up, there aren't a lot of 'traditions' that made it through to my adulthood in tact. In fact, aside from having a Christmas tree, I'm not sure there really are any. My Grandmother always made a ham, but she no longer does since she lives in a tiny apartment and all her grandchildren are grown and have obligations to others. My stepmother's family always opened new pajamas on Christmas Eve, but I didn't grow up with them so that didn't make it into my own home. My ex-in-laws have a cookie making day, but it's mostly my ex-sister-in-law and she does it in Fresno with her grandfather. It's kind of funny, in a ruminative sort of way, how I've always been surrounded by family traditions, but the families changed often enough that I was only included in them for a few years and none of them felt, or feel now, like I belong to them.

I started making cookies on Christmas Eve for Santa with Kadin when he was young...but both boys will be with their Dad this year, and I won't have the opportunity for that. [insert long, pensive sigh here] I guess it's just the tree and Santa this year. But that's not so bad, really; both boys will be waking up here Christmas morning, and trotting down the stairs to find a ton of gifts stuffed under our modest little tree. Their joy and excitement make the whole holiday worthwhile.

So despite having a pinch of holiday-related blues, I'm excited nonetheless... and wish these next few weeks would skate on by, already!

Max checking out my snowman glitter globe


  1. Reminiscing about how and when traditions got started can be a lot of fun. And that's just it - they all start somewhere! I didn't grow up with any Christmas traditions, but I started some myself. I'm the ham-baker in my family. I also started baking cookies with my nephews when they were little. Some of them are in high school and they STILL look forward to it because we have so much fun.

    Now that I'm getting married, I'm looking forward to starting my own traditions with the hubby-to-be, like choosing a special ornament together each year, opening one gift on Christmas Eve, picking out a live tree -- whatever it turns out to be, I'll love it a little more because it'll be something we started together.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family!!

  2. Terah,

    That's the first thing that Jeremy messaged me about this afternoon when he read this - "you didn't say anything about starting our own traditions." And that is definitely something that I've looked forward to, that I probably should have dedicated a paragraph to. Because that is a really exciting part of the holidays...making memories, no matter what root they stem from.

    Thank you so much and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family and Derrick's family as well! xo


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